Machines for the care and maintenance of vineyards and orchards are equipment designed to optimize crop management, ensuring healthy and productive growth of plants. These tools are designed to effectively manage the vegetation under the plants, helping to maintain a optimal environment for the growth of vines and fruit trees.

Peruzzo machines for the care of vineyards, orchards and olive groves are designed to improve the efficiency of agricultural operations, ensuring optimal maintenance and promoting plant health. These machines cover a wide range of tasks, including shredding, pruning, aeration, and harvesting vegetable waste. These machines also help prevent the spread of possible diseases to the turf.

A biomass machine is crucial in a vineyard to manage plant residues, such as shoots and leaves, transforming them into biomass that can be used as compost or mulch. This improves soil fertility and reduces waste. In addition, these machines clean the vineyard, improving irrigation efficiency and reducing erosion. Finally, they can produce renewable energy. In short, they are essential for sustainable and efficient vineyard management.